The culture of Laranjal Paulista is marked by the miscegenation of races and peoples. There are Afrodescendants, Italians, Portuguese, Syrians and Lebanese in artistic, religious or culinary manifestations.
Religious festivals spread throughout the town, celebrated with bands, fireworks and rockets. The Divine Holy Spirit Celebration (Festa do Divino Espírito Santo), in the District of Laras, takes place during the month of July after the ""Alight of the Divine"" (Pouso do Divino) and the pilgrimage that the brotherhood of the Holy Spirit makes in the town and surroundings. It attracts a large crowd, especially on Saturday, when the shrouded procession happens and the exciting meeting of the canoes on Tietê River.
The Saint John the Baptist Celebration (Festa de São João Batista), patron saint of Laranjal Paulista, dates back to 1884 and attracts people from all over the region. It contains the religious part with novena, raising of the mast, solemn mass, procession and over 10 days the profane part with a busy fair, with typical food and drinks, amusement park, firewood auction, auction of gifts (greased piglet and tallow wood), cururu, square dancing and concerts with lots of music.